
Chocolate Mousse with Coconut Cream

I recently got myself a nutritionist because I couldn't figure out how to eat right on my own. Even though my nutritionist came up with a great meal plan - I can't get rid of my sweet tooth.

The whole thing gets 20x time worse when you have a boyfriend who is even a bigger sweet tooth - AND has the luck that he can eat whatever he feels like without gaining weight. Yo, where do I sign up for such a metabolism?

Anyways, all week I have been craving for something with chocolate and after some research I actually found out that you can make whipped cream out of coconut milk/cream. Yes, maybe I am a few years late for such a discovery. Yet I decided to give it a try with creating a chocolate mousse! A healthy and quick substitute for the classic.

All you need is for this super simple recipe is:
2 cans (approx. 400g) of coconut milk or cream - I used cream
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa
50g dark chocolate 70%
date sirup

1. Put the coconut milk/cream into the fridge the night before.
2. The next day; melt the chocolate and let it cool down a little bit while you prepare the next steps.
3. Open the cans and take out only the white hard part of the product. The water will not transform into cream. Whisk the white parts for about 2 minutes till it creates a nice cream. You don't even know how important the 2 minute part is - as an impatient person I almost threw the whole thing in the trash.
4. Add: date sirup (now this depends on you how sweet you want it, I used cca. 1 teaspoon.), the cocoa and melted chocolate. Whisk it all together and put it into the fridge for 2-3 hours.

Personally I like to leave it out of the fridge for 15 minutes before serving so it become a little softer - but it all depends on each and everyone's taste. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog will probably constantly make me hungry, because it look damn gorgeous.
    (also, the lighting is great, you shouldn't have worries ;) )
